Spinner’s Wether (banded/castrated) Lamb $500

Spinner’s Wether (banded/castrated) Lamb $500
Taking 2024 orders: These guys are neutered and make the perfect addition to a Spinner’s Flock, that is a fiber artist looking to add variety to their wool flock. They are banded (castrated) as soon as their “jewels” drop. This makes them calm, polite and gentle. They grow up to be pets. $500 for one wether, $2,375 for a “Spinner’s Flock” of five wethers. The perfect no-worries flock of sheep.
It is easy to overfeed wethers, so the owner must be disciplined. Grain can cause calcium buildup in the urinary tract. If also causes fat buildup instead of wool growth. So the owner must resist spoiling these boys. They are easy keepers for sure.
The first year’s wool crop will be a shorter staple. Spinners must be able to spin with a short draught (draw, draft). The second year’s growth of wool will give you about seven pounds of delightful 3-inch staple merino or BFL/Merino fiber. Three pounds of raw wool will clean up to be two pounds of roving, which can be spun into a woman’s size medium sweater. So consider a wether for your flock. Especially if you want to leave the baby raising to someone else.
Sometimes we have crossbred Blue Face Leicester/Merino wethers as well. Specify your preference, you might get lucky.
Email us for information on how to put a deposit down for 2024 wethers.